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Sunday, January 18, 2015

5 Forms of Written Self-Text

Text 1: Feature
The Beautiful Scenery and Fresh Air of Pangrango Mountain

            When we have arrived on the Pangrango mountain on Puncak, Bogor, the fresh water and beauty landscape is receiving us firstly. Eventhough the distance is so far enough from the capital city, Jakarta, but people is still going to there. Their main destination is giving theirself the relaxation and  refreshing from their  tired full routine activities. Automatically, people who get tired in their daily activities will be enjoy when they got fun and feel comfort there.
            Over there, I had ever felt the comfortable condition. The distance between Puncak Pass and my house is so far enough and feel tired on the street, however those all can be paid by getting our destination on there. We can see the beautiful green lands tea around us from puncak pass. Besides that the curving street and the villa house are seen by us as one of panorama which is served by this nature tourism.
            Pangrango Mountain or Puncak Pass that usually is called by us is the famous nature tourism for domestic tourist even foreigner. It is possible if the Puncak Pass become the best tourism destination in Ciawi Bogor, West Java. Moreover as the nature tourism, Puncak Pass is known as area which produced many kinds of tea. The Biggest tea garden ( PT. Perkebunan Nusantara VIII Gunung Mas ) is built by colonialism government about many years ago. The tea garden has produced many kinds of tea, such as black tea and green tea. It is became the landmark of area by local government.
In addition we can find many recreations place and agricultural tourism there, such as The large garden of green tea, hang glider and cycling mountain sport area. The interesting famous recreations place are the safari park, flowers garden, and a mosque with unique and simple architecture that usually called Atta’awun, for moslems. If you get tired on puncak, don’t worry, there are so many villas that available for all tourist. In fact,  the villas is has reached cost by all visitor for one night or more.

               Not only recreation places and agricultural tourism that we found on Pangrango Mountain, but also many venders street which sold some snacks. Many tourist who wants to buy or to taste the sweets from them, such as barbeque corns, toast bread, the cassava chip, etc. For drinks like a cup of coffee, a glass of ginger and the hot chocolate. Absolutely, a cup of tea as the special drinks from this area. Therefore, Puncak Pass is not famous tourism place only with the beauty scenery, but also as culinary places that always visited by domestic and international tourist, especially on the week end or holiday. 

Text 2: Opinion
Idul Adha Event as The Way of Keeping The Faithfulness and Tolerance in People

            Moslems in the world is attending their biggest moment that different with Idul fitri usually called as Idul Adha or Idul Kurban. We can see the activities of cutting animals as the sacrificing sacred religious ceremonial in many places. Country which has majority moslem people always held this religious program to show their faithfulness to god and can be useful for others. People always cut the mammals, such as cows, buffaloes, goats, sheeps, and camels as the Kurban’s animals.
            The Idul Adha program always be held on Dzulhizah moslem’s month, actually on every Dzulhizah 13 th,or same with the condition moslems in Arafah Desert, Saudi Arabia  that doing wukuf together. Over there,  they follow and remmember  the history of  Ibrahim and Ismail prophet. About many years ago, They got challenge from Allah to show their faithfulness. Ibrahim dream and got commandement from god to cut his beloved son, Ismail, as his sacrificing. Ibrahim told his dream to his son fully about commandement to cut his neck. Ismail agreed with the god’s commandement to show their faithful to god, but when Ibrahim would cut Ismail’s neck, Allah changed him by the big goat which appeared suddenly.

            The story of Ibrahim and Ismail prophet  that is made the way of moslems  to show their faithfulness to god and giving full to another who need helping in the future. People can get  some meanings from Idul Adha event. They can give helping to another who still in down economical situation. In other hand, they can also learn how to keeping  the tolerance in people that had described by Ibrahim and Ismail prophet story that showed us about the lesson of faithfulness to the biggest god, Allah SWT and finished the challenges patiently. 

Text 3: Tourism Conversation
Walking Along in The Pangandaran Beach

Aji                   : Good morning sir , how are you ?
Tourist             : Good morning, I’m very well thanks, are you my tour guide?
Aji                   : Yes, I’m. let me introduce my self, my name is Aji, I will guide you to enjoy this
Tourist             : Okay Aji, let’s to start explore the area
Aji                   : Absolutely, at the beginning, I want to tell you about this place, Pangandaran
  Pangandaran is the one of beautiful beach tourism in West Java which has many     
  interesting areas that is always visited by visitors
Tourist             : What are they ?
Aji                   : Pangandaran doesn’t always show the beach panorama only, but also some
  Historical Places are available
Tourist             : Wow, it’s wonderful. In fact I’ve just known about the beach scenery, such as
   the beautiful of sunrise and sunset, beside that enjoying in surfing
Aji                   : In Pangandaran, we can visit some caves that found in the forest. The caves are
  from Japanese colonialism era
Tourist             : Okay, I see. Any others as colonialism that had ever lived in here ?
Aji                   : Yes, not only japanese, VOC as the organization of Netherland trading company
  had ever lived in those caves
Tourist             : Then, what are their destinations on there ?
Aji                   : Absolutely, they wanted the golds, made glories, and shared the gospels in this
Tourist             : It had made automatically some disadvantages for Indonesian. Consequently,
  Many victims who got sorrows from them
            Aji                  : Of course, but veterans of Indonesia kept their struggling at time to confronted
 them strongly

Tourist             : It is looked from these history buildings. At the caves, I can see some artifacts
                                     that shared around us
Aji                   : Yes, they are. The artifacts in caves is one of archaeological things from
  Pangandaran. Anyway do you want to see other place ?
Tourist            : Absolutely Aji, let’s move to another. In this time, I want to buy some souvenirs.
Aji                   : Okay sir, we can go to the traditional market which close to the beach.
In the market, we can buy some souvenirs, such as handycrafts, and other unique things
Tourist             : Perhaps, I just want to buy the traditional souvenirs from Pangandaran and some
                                      Sea foods for dinner
Aji                   : Go a head. You can enjoy your shopping while enjoying the blowing wind of the
  sea. Any way our time is over too sir for walking along today, in other time you
  may call me again to accompany you enjoying The Pangandaran Beach
Tourist             : Of course Aji, thank you so much for all your describing today. It is the best day
  for me during stay in here, see you later.
Aji                   : See you, have a nice day in other time.

Text 4: Narrative Text
The Story of Lion King

            Once upon time, there was a family lion that lived in field of South Africa, named the pride land. The family was leading by wise leader, Mufasa. He lead his family and other members tribe with fair and wise. Therefore, he was honored not only by lions, but also other species even herbivore. Mufasa always kept quote word of his generation, circle of life, that means respect to the others species for conserve their habitat.

            Mufasa had a wife, Sarabi, one day she born a son, named Simba. They were very happy with Simba presence. All species around them also glad with Simba presence. Mufasa had a closest friend that was an old monkey, Rafiki. Simba was announced and introduced to all animals by Rafiki. Everyone giving the appreciation and honor for little Simba because he would be future king for all animals.

            However, in the celebration for Simba presence, Mufasa felt a strangeness. He did not see his brother, Scar, in the ceremonial born. Mufasa came to him, and ask why Scar did not come in Simba welcoming. Scar said that his self was not true if came in ceremonial king family. Mufasa refused Scar’s statement, he said that there is no different in our family, all same as creatures in circle of life. Even though, mufasa had sent his best friend a bird, Zazu, to invite Scar came to simba presence, but Scar still particular. Actually, Scar felt jealous to Mufasa, he wanted be king but never, because all species wanted Mufasa and his generation to be king.

            One time, when Mufasa stayed slept, Simba was waking up his father to go around with him. Mufasa decided to go around with his son and showed their land. He said to Simba that “everything the light touches is our kingdom”. Simba felt greatness with it, but he curious about the dark land which near their land. Mufasa said that Simba do not ever go there, because that is danger district. In their trip, Mufasa gave some many lesson for Simba that life must keep balance with each other, for example, antelope eat grass, and the carnivore must keep antelope’s habitat, don’t hunt them excessively. Simba remember what his father said to keep the circle of life in order to undestroyed.

            After Mufasa and Simba had walked around the land, Simba visited his uncle, Scar, to asked something. He asked about why his self had forbidden to visited the dark land. Scar said “only the bravest lion could go there, and you still young enough to visit it”. Simba denied his uncle’s statement, he said “I am a brave lion, although I am a cub”. In silence, Scar had a bad plan for Simba and Mufasa. He wanted they got accident until die. Then, Scar made some trap for them. He tried to gave influence for Simba to visits the danger land, the graveyard elephant.

            Simba who still young had influence’s Scar easily. He went to the elephant graveyard with his female friend, Nala. He curious why Scar said only the bravest lion can go there. When Simba and Nala just arrived on elephant graveyard, suddenly, three hyenas came to close them. They were panic and scared. Simba and Nala shouted help and run quickly from hyenas, however, Mufasa came unexpectedly to save them. The hyenas run down with Mufasa’s roar. Mufasa felt disappointed with Simba, furthermore, why he disobeyed his rule. Simba said that he just want to be brave lion as his father. Then Mufasa said, “being brave not means looking for trouble, and the brave will come in the right time”. Simba understood and gave swear never did again.
 One afternoon, Scar who had evil plan came to Simba, and took him to one large land. He said “if you want being brave lion, you should made loudest roar”. Simba agreed and waited him under the tree while attempted to roaring loudly. Suddenly, the three hyenas in under control of Scar just ready to made deer stampede. Of course, It was made to death of Simba. The hyenas attacked deer, and the tribe of deer run directly to Simba. He was panic and run quickly to save his life. The slick Scar told this stampede to Mufasa. Mufasa run immediately to save Simba which in danger. He saw his son among stampede, and tried hardly to catch Simba. Mufasa got him successfully, yet his self got deer tribe. In weakness, he tried to through the stampede, and he jumped to high rock. Mufasa asked help to Scar to gave his paw, yet Scar refused it and pushed him to the stampede. Mufasa die from this incident. Simba was very sad and felt downfall. In contrast, Scar was very happy for this incident. His ambition on his eyes that wanted to be king. He drove out Simba from the pride land. All creatures in the pride land also were sad and felt loss for Mufasa’s death, and Scar told to them that Simba had gone too.

            Simba attempted to went to other land. He just arrived in dry land and nothing anymore. Suddenly, he had fainted there. A few minutes later, there were 2 unique creature, Pumba as the pig and Timon as squirrel. They saw there was a cub on the land, and come to close him. They realized finally that was a lion. Timon and Pumba carried Simba to saved him to other land. When Simba just woke up he so surprised that he was in beautiful land, and Timon and Pumba which had saved him. Simba was fun there, until he grew up became adult lion.
Shortly, Simba which had grown up be big lion realized that he had left his family in pride land. He remember what his father said that he must be king to the future after his dad. Rafiki which had not seen Simba brought him to came back to his hometown to save pride land from Scar. Simba realized that Scar had evil plan for his family in long time ago. He was very upset and angry with it. Then, when Simba came in his hometown, he found out where Scar was. He met with him and avenged for his family to Scar. Scar attacked directly to Simba, and Simba just dodged Scar’s attack. Scar fell down to ravine which had hyenas there. He suddenly was attacked by the hyenas which felt hungry, and die. All Simba’s family were happy met with Simba again, also the others. Finally, Simba became the great king for all species in the pride land. He also gave thanks for his new friend, Timon and Pumba which had saved him.

Text 5: News Text
The Four Suns Arisen in China’s Sky

            The natural phenomenon  of appearing four suns in China had surprised people there. It is impossible phenomenon that never thought by the citizens. Chinese had known the phenomenon from the video have been sharing in public. How do the phenomenon can be happened in China’s sky ? the answers will investigate in this topic together.
            In local journal news, the appearing four suns is explained in science as atmospheric phenomenon that familiar in scientist community. The name’s phenomenon is sun dog which is seen with parhelic circle  on the sky. It said that the appearing of four suns in China as the natural phenomenon is happened rarely in the earth.
            The explanation of the phenomenon is classified by Thomas Djamaludin as senior astronomy and astrophisycs in The National Institute of Aviation and Space, while was calling on Wednesday (25/8). Thomas said “ this phenomenon is created by sunshine deviation on ice cristal, the phenomenon is usually arisen in east that is not far from natural skyline”. Absolutely, from the skyline as place sunrise usually appears ice crystals which is deviated the shine. Normally, it created two phenomenons are usually called as halo and sun dog.
            What do will happen in next time, actually? After the natural phenomenon happened around us, such as the melting of north pole, meteorite in Cirebon and sun tsunami. Perhaps, it is a warning for us that human have to consider about the biggest power in the world is the mighty god, Allah SWT, So everyone can increase their faithfulness everytime.


The Article :
'Alien Earth' is among eight new far-off planets

By Jonathan Webb Science reporter, BBC News, Seattle Artist's impression: Kepler has identified many exoplanets but few are within their star's "Goldilocks zone" One of eight new planets spied in distant solar systems has usurped the title of "most Earth-like alien world", astronomers have said. All eight were picked out by Nasa's Kepler space telescope, taking its tally of such "exoplanets" past 1,000. But only three sit safely within the "habitable zone" of their host star - and one in particular is rocky, like Earth, as well as only slightly warmer.
The find was revealed at a meeting of the American Astronomical Society. Red sky.  The three potentially habitable planets join Kepler's "hall of fame", which now boasts eight fascinating planetary prospects. And researchers say the most Earth-like of the new arrivals, known as Kepler 438b, is probably even more similar to our home than Kepler 186f - which previously looked to be our most likely twin.
At 12% larger than Earth, the new claimant is bigger than 186f but it is closer to our temperature, probably receiving just 40% more heat from its sun than we do from our. So if we could stand on the surface of 438b it may well be warmer than here, according to Dr Doug Caldwell from the SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) Institute in California.
"And it's around a cooler [red dwarf] star... so your sky would look redder than ours does to us," Dr Caldwell said. With the three new arrivals, Kepler's 'hall of fame' expands to eight small, habitable-zone exoplanets That first-person encounter, however, is unlikely - both because the planet is 475 light-years away and because we still have essentially no idea what it's made of.
Images from the Kepler telescope, which trails behind the Earth and peers far into the distance as we orbit our own sun, are used to identify far-off planets by observing "transits". This refers to the dimming of a star's light when a planet passes in front of it.

Kepler space telescope mission

  • Launched in 2009, the Kepler space telescope sought to find Earth-like worlds orbiting distant stars in the Constellation Lyra
  • It used the so-called transit technique - looking for the periodic dips in light as exoplanets pass in front of their host stars
  • Last year, a single release of Kepler results added 715 exoplanets to the tally
  • How does the Kepler telescope work?
  • How rare is our blue planet?
A large team of researchers then uses additional data from Earth-bound telescopes to further explore these unfamiliar solar systems. They try to calculate how big the planets are, and how closely they orbit their host stars. Not everything that causes such a dimming eventually turns out to be a planet, however. At the same time as the eight confirmed new exoplanets were announced by a 26-strong team spanning Nasa and multiple US institutions, the Kepler mission's own scientists released another tranche of more than 500 "candidate" planets.
"With further observation, some of these candidates may turn out not to be planets," said Kepler science officer, Fergal Mullally. "Or as we understand their properties better, they may move around in, or even outside, the habitable zone." 'Star Trek' scenario. Even once scientists have anointed a candidate as a confirmed exoplanet, the question of whether or not it is "Earth-like" is a fraught one, with fuzzy boundaries.
The size of the habitable, or "Goldilocks" zone, where a planet is far enough from its sun to hold water but not so distant that it freezes, depends on how confident scientists want to be with their guess-work. According to Dr Cardwell, just three of the eight new exoplanets can be confidently placed in that zone - and only two of those are probably rocky like the Earth. More detailed description is very difficult.
An artist's view of Kepler 186f, which experts say has now been pipped as "most Earth-like" known exoplanet  "From the Kepler measurements and the other measurements we made, we don't know if these planets have oceans with fish and continents with trees," Dr Caldwell told BBC News. "All we know is their size and the energy they're receiving from their star. "So we can say: Well, they're of a size that they're likely to be rocky, and the energy they're getting is comparable to what the Earth is getting. "As we fill in these gaps in our solar system that we don't have, we learn more about what it means to be Earth-like, in some sense."
Speaking at a related event at the conference, Prof Debra Fischer from Yale University said she remembered a time before the first exoplanet was discovered, more than two decades ago. "I remember astronomers before that point being very worried," she said. "We really had to step back and say: Maybe the Star Trek picture is wrong. That filled me with despair." Prof Fischer said that sensitive telescopes like Kepler had ushered in an era of "amazing and impressive work". "We're talking about a planet - and we can only see its star with a powerful telescope. "And we can draw graphs and sketch its composition and have serious scientific discussions. This is incredible."

From the article do this assignment
1.         Find out some prepositions that direct about time, place or which have other meaning!

a.       At                     =  direct the place, it follows the statement a meeting of the American
    astronomical Society

b.      In                      =  directs the place, it follows the word California (name of city)

c.       On                     =  directs the place, it tells about the surface of planet

d.      Behind              =  directs the place, it the Earth and peers far into the distance as we orbit

    our own sun

e.       Looking for      =   it means searching, and it directs the time because telling the periodic

f.       Move around    =   It means doing something, it directs the place for the habitable zone.

g.      About               =  directs the place, it tells about earth like
     h.      Before               =  directs the place, it tells about the first exoplanet was discovered.